Eligant Poly Products


eco- friendly extra large reusable and recyclable nylon bags of different colors made from plastic wastes for groceries and general shopping.

Will conveniently carry your quantity goods and groceries without fear of leakage or tear.

eco-friendly reusable, re-washable and foldable shopping bags, jackets and wears produced from plastic wastes

rewash, reuse, fashionably colourful for party
gifts and shopping

Retails of artificial floral and wedding accessories

Make your events colourful with reusable florals,
and plain white silky wedding Bouquet.

eco- friendly giant sized waste carrier Bags for 120 litre containers

large, strong and carries enough to reduce scattered wastes. 

Our Services

Vocational training on production of grocery bags for better employment of workforce in the industry

We train workforce on basics of producing shopping bags for employment in the industry

Grind and recycle different kind of plastic wastes

Grind and recycle different kind of plastic wastes

Create Awareness on healthy environment to preserve nature.

Create Awareness on healthy environment to preserve nature.

Rental of plastic chairs, tables and chair covers

Rental of plastic chairs, tables and chair covers.

ELIGANT, achieving healthy environment and wealth from plastic wastes.